In a thrilling development for comedy enthusiasts, renowned comedians Tim Allen and Dave Chappelle have announced their collaboration on an un-woke comedy show. This exciting partnership promises to bring together two comedic legends known for their irreverent humor and willingness to push the boundaries of political correctness. Comedy has always been a reflection of societal norms and values, and in …
In a surprising turn of events, iconic comedians Roseanne Barr and Michael Richards have teamed up to develop a new sitcom that aims to celebrate traditional values and humor while eschewing the trends of political correctness and “wokeness” in today’s entertainment industry. The announcement of this new project has sparked significant interest among fans of classic comedy and those who …
In a recent and unexpected twist within the entertainment industry, Roseanne Barr, a name synonymous with controversy and candidness, has made headlines again. This time, it’s for her decision to remove the legendary actor Robert De Niro from her latest television project. The bold move was underscored with a statement that’s as straightforward as it is provocative: “No woke people …
In a surprising and bold move that is causing ripples throughout Hollywood, comedians Roseanne Barr and Tim Allen have announced plans to establish a new non-woke actors guild. This initiative represents a significant departure from the prevailing trends in the entertainment industry, as Barr and Allen aim to create a space where artists can thrive without conforming to politically correct …